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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2024

Chapter 6 Morphology

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1 Morphology   Def: the analysis of the structure of words 2 Morphemes   Def: Smallest meaningful unit in English and cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful bits EXP: “Cats” contain 2 morphemes “cat” + “s”  “category” contains 1 morpheme although “cat” and “gory” have meaning, it not involved in the meaning of “category”  Minimal units of meaning  Grammatical function “cat” (an animal) “s” (plural) Free Morphemes ( Lexical Morphemes, Functional Morphemes)  Def: Free Morphemes : can stand alone as individual words (e.g cat, laugh, vital) Lexical Morphemes : Free Morphemes that carry the content of our utterances(lời nói) like nouns ( girl, house), verbs ( run, hit), adjs(beautiful, ugly), advs(quickly, never). They are “open” class because can easily add new lexical morphemes to the language   Functional Morphemes: Free Morphemes that serve a more grammatical role, connecting words together within and across sentences like articles (a, the...

Chapter 5 Word Formation

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  Chapter 5 Word Formation  1 Nelogisms  Neologsim=> neo(new)+logsim(words)=> new words We may have never heard about the new word spangler but we have no difficulty in coping with the new words:  spangler,spanglerish, spanglerism, spanglering or spanglered Because there is a lot of regularity in the word formation process in language. 2 Etymology The study of the origin and history of words Greek and Latin are the sources of many English words. EXP : mono-(fron Greek), uni-(Latin)    3 Borrowing The process of taking words from other languages Borrowing words from another language is quite common in English.   EXP: Loan-translation: a type of borrowing in which each element of a word is translated into the borrowing language, also called calque When borrowing a word, languages can directly translate its parts to create a new word in their own language . This is called calquing. We see this with "skyscraper" being translated literally as "...